Several printed documents owned by H. van Marken Lichtenbelt, member of Utrechtsch Studentencorps, treasurer of the Senaat, honorair commissaris of Triton, active in TRITON (rowing club): programme of De Groote Geus (Lustrumspel), 65pp. original binding, Officiele Feestwijzer Lustrum Utrecht 1936, 120pp. original softcover illustrated binding, many illustrations and advertissements in the booklet, menu 21 June 1936: Triton, Lustrumfeesten 1936, Deelnemerskaart voor het openluchtspel en de maskerade, named to H. van Marken Lichtenbelt who was Spaansche Ruiter in the Maskerade (one page, two sides printed), stamp of De Groote Geus lustrumspel/Maskerade, an invitation for a Promotie, small printed card, Printed menu for a dinner for Bal en Kermesse d'Ete op Vrijdag 26 Juni 1936, held at Jaarbeurs restaurant (folded). Scarce.