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DOMELA NIEUWENHUIS NYEGAARD, J. D., Aus meinem Kriegetagebuch. Translated and introduction by C. A. Wolf von Wülfing.


J. D. Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaad was a Dutch clergyman. He moved to Gent, was introduced to the Flemish Movement and became chairman of the activist group Jong. In his vision Flanders and the Netherlands should come under a German protectorate and a bond should be established, which would include all Germanic people. In 1917 Domela Nieuwenhuis was expelled from Jong-Vlaanderen. In October 1918 he fled to the Netherlands. Because of his pro-German attitude during the First World War the Belgian court sentenced him in 1919 to death for high treason. However, the Belgian Justice could not prosecute him in the Netherlands.